Large business transactions can be valuable for all organizations involved. Whether one company buys another or two businesses negotiate a merger, such transactions can make companies more competitive or efficient. Factors ranging from patented technology and real...
Where Business And Law Come Together
Business Transactions
3 merger-related challenges that should be planned for in advance
Negotiating a business merger is a process that could take a year or longer to complete. From finding a viable candidate to setting agreeable terms, mergers can be incredibly complex transactions. There are a host of issues that can arise during and after a merger...
Addressing redundant positions during a merger or acquisition
Acquisitions and mergers are complex business transactions that can yield substantial benefits for the organizations involved. An acquisition can help an inventor or entrepreneur monetize groundbreaking concepts. These transactions can help companies grow by providing...
3 hazards to look for during the due diligence phase of a merger
Business mergers are expensive but potentially lucrative endeavors. The companies combining their operations share talent and intellectual property, such as trade secrets and patents. The resulting business May have a larger overall share of the market, allowing for...
Why new BOI reporting requirements could freeze mergers
A merger or an acquisition of a massive undertaking. Typically, those trying to arrange a major business transaction spend months negotiating terms and researching business prospects. Often, last-minute challenges are the result of regulatory enforcement. For example,...
New federal merger rules could lead to more scrutiny
Business mergers have existed for as long as separate companies have. They allow existing companies to expand rapidly and to combine their resources to better cater to consumers. Mergers can be beneficial for organizations but are also sometimes problematic for the...
Choosing the right valuation method during an acquisition
Business acquisitions can make or break the organization that is acquiring another company. The process of purchasing an existing company is a lengthy one that carries a massive price tag. Small oversights and mistakes can lead to massive financial setbacks or...
Why the FTC blocked a recent pharmaceutical merger
Federal laws limit economic activity in cases where businesses might engage in unfair competition or endanger consumers. The creation of a monopoly, especially in the medical industry, is a potentially expensive and dangerous reality for those who make use of certain...
3 risk factors executives may overlook before a merger
The prospect of a merger is an exciting one for executives who are facilitating a transaction. They will potentially see rapid expansion and will gain access to new talent and intellectual property. However, the enthusiasm about the prospective merger does have the...
The role of valuations in merger negotiations
Mergers can completely change the functional abilities of your company and also its financial situation. If you overextend the company financially, it may never recover from the merger. On the other hand, adding new staff and facilities could be exactly what your...